Saw our first humming bird feeding today – after raising our feeder a few more feet.

Seems that the hummingbirds didn’t like the feeder at the same height as the last 4 springs, when we only had one cat on the deck. Guessing it’s because this spring we have several deck cats. And the hummingbirds, although comfortable at the old feeder with just one deck cat (they always know where one cat is), they didn’t like having several cats to contend with. So today, I raised the feeder several feet – and within minutes, we started getting humming birds again. Wow. Pretty neat too. Hummers aren’t dumb – one cat and they’ll feed from a low feeder – two or more cats – and that feeder better be out of reach of kitty, before hummy will deign to dine. Arhrhrhrh.
And the lilies are growing harder, in this warm sunny spring weather the last few days.

After raising the feeder. Saw one hummingbird – but no camera. Got camera. Waited 10 mins for next humming bird, but missed it while playing with the focus – 10 min is a long time to sit still in a chair. Then I caught this one feeding 2 min later.