Catching up – haven’t posted for a while. Some pics from Jerie’s gardens and my pond. In late August. Been a balmy summer here. A bit spoiled now. We are.

Catching up – haven’t posted for a while. Some pics from Jerie’s gardens and my pond. In late August. Been a balmy summer here. A bit spoiled now. We are.
Last night … there were 5 new water lilies just breaching the surface with 1-2 pads. Here’s a couple of those …
No signs of decimation in the existing lilies. Looking good. Two different views …
Saw a minnow. And – always seeing activity under the lily pads.
That’s either the minnows or blue gills. Pretty sure it’s the minnows though. But the surface is so occluded with stuff from the surrounding trees and shrubs
that visibility prevents ID’ing the creatures making the fuss.
However, this morning – that’s not so true – and … I saw baby minnows – 3/4″ long in the northwest section … in the shallows.
Seeing lots of surface activity – saw one school minnows – left of end of dock. About 20-25 fish.
Also saw a turtle, bout 8″ shell, swimming from west to east – at north-west back corner of pond.
And at least two Northern Water snakes – youngsters – about 20″ long – cruising along the surface of the pong.
I’ve seen couple minnows, on two occasions, at end of dock – but Jerie saw a school of minnows – by laying on dock for a bit and being still.
Dumped 3 lbs Fathead minnows, and 12 Blue Gills into the pond. Here’s Jerie with the 3lb bag of Fathead minnows from Jones Fish …
Some blues were dead as soon as they hit the water. Was freaking over the minnows – which largely survived even though 50% were sucking surface air before release. So I didn’t really examine the blues – could have shocked them … or … they just might not have survived the trip. Might have been me though. Some survived, I believe.
Still no new damage. Seems our outdoor semi-feral cats at taking care of the muskrats. I seem them working the pond, every now and then. They sometimes hunt in pairs.
Trapper tele # might not have been a mobile – I should try again, leaving my number next time.
I think it was the geese – otherwise, nothing new today. Cept that I discovered Charlie also likes to eat water lilies.
And the geese – I’ll chase em off from now on, now that I know their appetites.
Anyway, the trapper didn’t respond to my message.
Removed maybe the last loose lily pad. If I find another – hmmm …
3 small lily pads floating on surface – time to call trapper Jeff (there were Geese in the pond yesterday – but I don’t think they’re the culprits).
I left him trapper Jeff a message around noon. But later that day … after some research …
WRONG – Canadian Geese do eat water lilies, reeds, etc. Specially young plants
Water lilies are fine (yeah – many have come back – not sure yet how many, or if all of them)
Phrags – well some are tipped this way, and some that way – have to wonder if a muskrats been chewing on them down below – OTOH – we had some epic winds yesterday. Going with the fact the water lilies are fine – and assuming still not muskrats.
Planted some 20 water lilies from Lowes.
This means extracting the bulbs from the packaging, and gently tossing them into the pond where I want them to root.
And the ones coming back form last year continue to thrive. The dock lily …
Nothing new seen by those holes. Including the trap. (I covered the holes with twigs and leaves – they remain undisturbed)
The empty trap was triggered. I reset it. Area around hole had musky smell. Here’s Charlie, inspecting the trap, before I set it up the first time.
I saw Muskrat shits on top of ice. 6 of them. About 3/4″ inch long. Slightly curled. Final proof. Serious tells.
I saw one closed white blossom. Near the surface. Just under the ice.
No other signs though.
Should call trapper Jeff