Today was something. Sighted a turtle sunning itself on the reeds, near the back of the pond …

Two quite large, flying, copulating dragon flies – of such beautiful iridescent colors, locked in tandem head to tail, flashing color all about over the top of the pond, on such an early dull brown spring day.
And Tadpoles – but only in the sections providing cover.
And … a (The?) Green Heron showed up a couple days ago. Then again yesterday. Today too? We’ll see. Lurks about at the back of the pond – sometimes up in a willow branch. I got a pic – cropped the bit with the heron in it too. But took the shot from top of the hill with 10x mag … heron was tucked in the back among the reeds. Two pics:

And phragmite shoots. On land, and in the water. Seems the muskrats didn’t eat all of the phrags. Maybe some cats and water lilies survived too?